It is assumed that the following RDF documents have been loaded into the current knowledgebase:
The document infraengine_schema.rdf is not strictly necessary for the blocks.rdf example. If it is loaded, additional information about classes in the inf namespace is provided, resulting in more comment lines and fewer void effective domain properties for classes in the bs namespace.
Objects with namespace inf are declared in infraengine_schema.rdf. They can be considered as constituting the language in which planning tasks can be expressed with InfraEngine.
Objects with namespace bs are provided by the user in document blocks.rdf, making use of inf objects. The classes bs:WorldObject, bs:Block and bs:Table represent objects of the blocks world. RDF A way to represent
We represent in RDF a n-ary relation, where n is a natural number >= 0, by a class with arguments identified by properties instead of position numbers. For example, the relation on top of, between blocks, is represented by the class bs:on, the domain of two properties bs:onTop and bs:onBottom. Further relations represented as classes in this way are bs:clear and bs:PutOn.
In planning we reason about the truth values of facts in different states. Thus, in the specifications of start states, goal states and planning rules facts are not asserted, but “mentioned”. We model this with a quoting mechanism included in RDF, the rdf:parseType=Literal construct.
Consider for example the object bs:rulePutOn, an instance of the class inf:Rule. Its Object page, displayed below, can be accessed starting from a Classes page, via the Direct Instances field of the Class page for inf:Rule.
The quoting mechanism is used for the values of bs:action, bs:after , bs:before, and bs:remaining. For example, the value of inf:after is a quoted sequence of two facts, an instance of the 2-ary bs:on relation and an instance of the 1-ary bs:clear relation. (The InfraEngine browser currently displays such quoted structures just as pretty printed RDF text.)
The Liner system, in contrast, provides special syntax for facts.
A variable has a type, which is a class. For example, in the rule bs:rulePutOn the phrase
<bs:Block inf:var="Moved" />denotes the variable Moved with type bs:Block.
In the Liner system, in contrast, variables are not typed.
Note: An error message Item ... has multiple direct types: [inf_Literal, rdfs_Literal]. can be remedied by loading the document infraengine_schema.rdf, which asserts that inf:Literal is a subclass of rdfs:Literal.
The solutions are, of course, represented by RDF objects. They reside in a knowledgebase that is newly generated for the query evaluation, in our example sys:result1.
The links to the listed solution object opens a Solution view for the object:
The partial-order plan represented by the solution object is displayed as graph. The actions are pretty printed in boxes. Property values and classes are indicated by indentation.Clicking on an action box leads to an Object view of the RDF object that represents the corresponding node in the solution graph (quite low-level).
Parameters in queries are specified with an extension of the variable mechanism that has been described in the context of rules. The following fragment of the table.rdf illustrates what is behind the query just shown.
<inf:Query rdf:ID="queryTable" rdfs:comment="From a given budget to having a world object."> <inf:parameter> <inf:Parameter inf:parameterVar="GoalObject" rdfs:comment="The goal is having this world object." inf:parameterDefaultValue="" /> </inf:parameter> <inf:parameter> <inf:Parameter inf:parameterVar="StartBudget" rdfs:comment="The initially given budget." inf:parameterDefaultValue="100" /> </inf:parameter> <inf:goal rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:have> <ex:haveObject> <ex:WorldObject inf:var="GoalObject" /> </ex:haveObject> </ex:have> </inf:goal> <inf:start rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:budget> <ex:budgetAmount> <inf:Literal inf:var="StartBudget" /> </ex:budgetAmount> </ex:budget> </inf:start> </inf:Query>
<inf:Rule rdf:about="buyingRule" rdfs:comment="The agent buys a world object."> ... <inf:constrained rdf:parseType="Literal"> <inf:ArithmeticConstraint inf:expression="NewBudget =:= OldBudget - Price" /> <inf:ArithmeticConstraint inf:expression="NewBudget >= 0" /> </inf:constrained> </inf:Rule>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF SYSTEM "blocks_generated.dtd" []> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:inf="" xml:base="" xmlns:bs="" > <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Objects in the Blocks World --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="WorldObject" rdfs:comment="An object in the blocks world."/> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Block" rdfs:comment="A block that can be moved." > <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdfs:Class> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Table" rdfs:comment="A table with blocks on it." > <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdfs:Class> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Fluents --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Fluent "on(top:Block, bottom:WorldObject)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="on" rdfs:comment="Fluent: One block is on top of the other."/> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="onTop" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: Top block." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#on" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Block" /> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="onBottom" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: Bottom block." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#on" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- Fluent "clear(object:WorldObject)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="clear" rdfs:comment="Fluent: The object is clear."/> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="clearWorldObject" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: The clear object." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#clear" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- The PutOn Action --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Action "PutOn(block:Block, from:WorldObject, to:WorldObject)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="PutOn" rdfs:comment="Action: Put a block on to another block or the table." /> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="putOnBlock" rdfs:comment="Action parameter: The block that is moved."> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#PutOn" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#Block" /> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="putOnFrom" rdfs:comment="Action parameter: The object on which the block was lying before." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#PutOn" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="putOnTo" rdfs:comment="Action parameter: The object on which the block is put." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#PutOn" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Rules --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Rule 1: We have a table that is always clear. --> <inf:Rule rdf:ID="ruleTableAlwaysClear" rdfs:comment="We have an instance of Table that is always clear."> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject> <bs:Table rdf:about="#table" /> </bs:clearWorldObject> </bs:clear> </inf:after> </inf:Rule> <!-- Rule 2: The effect of PutOn --> <inf:Rule rdf:ID="rulePutOn" rdfs:comment="The effect of PutOn."> <inf:action rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:PutOn> <bs:putOnBlock><bs:Block inf:var="Moved"/></bs:putOnBlock> <bs:putOnFrom><bs:WorldObject inf:var="From"/></bs:putOnFrom> <bs:putOnTo><bs:WorldObject inf:var="To"/></bs:putOnTo> </bs:PutOn> </inf:action> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:on> <bs:onTop><bs:Block inf:var="Moved"/></bs:onTop> <bs:onBottom><bs:WorldObject inf:var="To"/></bs:onBottom> </bs:on> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject><bs:WorldObject inf:var="From"/></bs:clearWorldObject> </bs:clear> </inf:after> <inf:remaining rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject><bs:Block inf:var="Moved"/></bs:clearWorldObject> </bs:clear> </inf:remaining> <inf:before rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:on> <bs:onTop><bs:Block inf:var="Moved"/></bs:onTop> <bs:onBottom><bs:WorldObject inf:var="From"/></bs:onBottom> </bs:on> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject><bs:WorldObject inf:var="To"/></bs:clearWorldObject> </bs:clear> </inf:before> </inf:Rule> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Queries --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <inf:Query rdf:ID="querySussman" rdfs:comment="The Sussman anomaly."> <inf:goal rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:on> <bs:onTop rdf:resource="#a" /> <bs:onBottom rdf:resource="#b" /> </bs:on> <bs:on> <bs:onTop rdf:resource="#b" /> <bs:onBottom rdf:resource="#c" /> </bs:on> </inf:goal> <inf:start rdf:parseType="Literal"> <bs:on> <bs:onTop rdf:resource="#b" /> <bs:onBottom rdf:resource="#table" /> </bs:on> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject rdf:resource="#b" /> </bs:clear> <bs:on> <bs:onTop rdf:resource="#a" /> <bs:onBottom rdf:resource="#table" /> </bs:on> <bs:on> <bs:onTop rdf:resource="#c" /> <bs:onBottom rdf:resource="#a" /> </bs:on> <bs:clear> <bs:clearWorldObject rdf:resource="#c" /> </bs:clear> </inf:start> </inf:Query> </rdf:RDF>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF SYSTEM "table_generated.dtd" [ <!ENTITY rdf ""> <!ENTITY rdfs ""> ]> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:inf="" xml:base="" xmlns:ex="" > <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Objects in the World --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="WorldObject" rdfs:comment="A world object."/> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Fluents --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Fluent "have(object:WorldObject)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="have" rdfs:comment="Fluent: The agent has a world object at his disposal."/> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="haveObject" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: The world object." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#have" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- Fluent "budget(amount:Number)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="budget" rdfs:comment="Fluent: The agent has an amount of Euros at his disposal."/> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="budgetAmount" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: The amount of Euros." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#budget" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- Fluent "offered(object:WorldObject, price:Number)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="offered" rdfs:comment="Fluent: A world object is on offer at a certain price."/> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="offeredObject" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: The offered world object." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#offered" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="offeredPrice" rdfs:comment="Fluent parameter: The price of the offering." > <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#offered" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Actions --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Action "Buy(object:WorldObject, price:Literal)" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="Buy" rdfs:comment="Action: The agent buys a world object." > </rdfs:Class> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="buyObject" rdfs:comment="Action parameter: The bought world object."> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Buy" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WorldObject" /> </rdf:Property> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="buyPrice" rdfs:comment="Action parameter: The price."> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Buy" /> <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdfs;Literal" /> </rdf:Property> <!-- Action "AssembleTable" --> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="AssembleTable" rdfs:comment="Action: The agent assembles a table." > </rdfs:Class> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Rules --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Rule 1: The agent buys a world object. --> <inf:Rule rdf:about="buyingRule" rdfs:comment="The agent buys a world object."> <inf:action rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:Buy> <ex:buyObject><ex:WorldObject inf:var="Object"/></ex:buyObject> <ex:buyPrice><inf:Literal inf:var="Price" /></ex:buyPrice> </ex:Buy> </inf:action> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:have> <ex:haveObject><ex:WorldObject inf:var="Object" /></ex:haveObject> </ex:have> <ex:budget> <ex:budgetAmount> <inf:Literal inf:var="NewBudget" /> </ex:budgetAmount> </ex:budget> </inf:after> <inf:before rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:offered> <ex:offeredObject> <ex:WorldObject inf:var="Object" /> </ex:offeredObject> <ex:offeredPrice> <inf:Literal inf:var="Price" /> </ex:offeredPrice> </ex:offered> <ex:budget> <ex:budgetAmount> <inf:Literal inf:var="OldBudget" /> </ex:budgetAmount> </ex:budget> </inf:before> <inf:constrained rdf:parseType="Literal"> <inf:ArithmeticConstraint inf:expression="NewBudget =:= OldBudget - Price" /> <inf:ArithmeticConstraint inf:expression="NewBudget >= 0" /> </inf:constrained> </inf:Rule> <!-- Rule 2: The agent assembles a table. --> <inf:Rule rdf:about="assembleTableRule" rdfs:comment="The agent assembles a table from four legs and a board."> <inf:action rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:AssembleTable /> </inf:action> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#table" /></ex:have> </inf:after> <inf:before rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#tableBoard" /></ex:have> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#tableLeg" /></ex:have> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#tableLeg" /></ex:have> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#tableLeg" /></ex:have> <ex:have><ex:haveObject rdf:resource="#tableLeg" /></ex:have> </inf:before> </inf:Rule> <!-- Facts --> <inf:Rule rdf:about="offeredTableBoardFact"> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:offered> <ex:offeredObject rdf:resource="#tableBoard" /> <ex:offeredPrice>10</ex:offeredPrice> </ex:offered> </inf:after> </inf:Rule> <inf:Rule rdf:about="offeredTableLegFact"> <inf:after rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:offered> <ex:offeredObject rdf:resource="#tableLeg" /> <ex:offeredPrice>5</ex:offeredPrice> </ex:offered> </inf:after> </inf:Rule> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Queries --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <inf:Query rdf:ID="queryTable" rdfs:comment="From a given budget to having a world object."> <inf:parameter> <inf:Parameter inf:parameterVar="GoalObject" rdfs:comment="The goal is having this world object." inf:parameterDefaultValue="" /> </inf:parameter> <inf:parameter> <inf:Parameter inf:parameterVar="StartBudget" rdfs:comment="The initially given budget." inf:parameterDefaultValue="100" /> </inf:parameter> <inf:goal rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:have> <ex:haveObject> <ex:WorldObject inf:var="GoalObject" /> </ex:haveObject> </ex:have> </inf:goal> <inf:start rdf:parseType="Literal"> <ex:budget> <ex:budgetAmount> <inf:Literal inf:var="StartBudget" /> </ex:budgetAmount> </ex:budget> </inf:start> </inf:Query> </rdf:RDF>